Thursday, 7 July 2011

Photography Website Templates

When it comes to choosing photography website templates there are several key elements to think about. It is no good using a website that is hard to use or simply isn't going to look any good to the user. For this reason when selecting a template you must consider the functionality, cost, layout and additional features provided by each theme. By the end of this article you'll be able to choose the best theme with all the right features and save some dough.

Functionality within your photography website templates

When choosing photography website templates here is the most important factor to have right. You need to ensure that the individual using your site can find everything they want. Large or easily viewable menu bars so people will find your galleries and pages fast. A great gallery template could have a carousel type structure where the main picture is within focus with the next and previous photo’s veiwable as thumbnails. So you're able to see there are standard functionality features that most photography website templates will include, which brings us to the layout.

Layout could be the hardest thing to select when trying to decide on a template. This is because no 2 templates are the same and the layout is different each time. From the colours to the placement of the photographs and links this is a very personal choice to the web designer on which layout is best. Many of the more successful photography sites all have a rotating image section within the main page to showcase their new or best content on the site however. This grabs a persons attention right away and showcases your important material straight away. So find yourself a good layout that's pleasing to your eye, but what about the price?

Photography website templates : Free vs Paid

The free vs paid argument is never-ending. There's two kinds of templates you can get if you are using wordpress to run your web site. These are free and premium themes. When it comes to themes many people automatically feel that the premium themes are the best. This isn't always the case. There are over 1,400 free themes available on the wordpress website alone and some of them are absolutely fantastic. However if you're going with a premium theme you can expect first class themes and on-going support should you have a problem with the theme. So keep the budget in your mind when selecting your photography website templates and keep an eye out for great extras.
There are a few absolutely great additional features accessible for your templates if you know what to look for. A few of these include: galleries with automatic slideshows, random photo of the day, portfolio sections for user interaction and many more. It would take a long time to list all the additional features you'll find in a good template but after you’ve checked out a few you will no doubt know which features you would like and what is available.

So now you ought to have a good idea about what to look for, venture out there and find yourself some great photography website templates today!


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